Inspiration 1932-1980

Beginnings 1980

Pioneering 1982

Soon the Isernio’s name was well known in the Seattle culinary community. Then Frank approached local grocery stores, who agreed to sell his sausage in their fresh meat departments. Isernio’s Sausage was truly the first premium sausage available at retail in the Northwest.

Eurocarne at Fiera di Verona 1985

Only two representatives each from the U.S. and other major countries are invited to this event yearly by the Italian Trade Commision, which hosts the best meat processing equipment in the world – quite an honor for an entrepreneur like Frank.
First Chicken Sausage 1990

Expanding the Line

Silliker Gold Award 2008

A Silliker Gold rating is recognized around the world as a top commitment to excellence in processing, safety, sanitation and quality, and Isernio’s is proud to have received this honor.

#1 Fresh Chicken Sausage 2009

Gill Centioli Memorial Award

Launch of Chicken Sausage Rolls

National Expansion

Increase in Capacity

New Facility

Isernio’s believes that leadership in the market is the result of constant dedication to the pursuit of quality in our products, services, relationships with our vendors, customers and in our operations and personnel.
Invest in Community