Testimonials - Isernio's Premium


I want to thank you for making an amazing product.

I just wanted to let you know that your chicken sausage rolls are my absolute new favorite find! I love how the meat looks so fresh, it tastes amazing, and it’s unbelievably lower fat plus more protein than the typical sausage rolls I’ve been buying. Your chicken sausage though will be the ONLY sausage rolls going forward that I will purchase. I have many friends now hooked on your chicken sausage, and I want to thank you for making an amazing product. I just wish I could find it in more grocery stores – but I am sure that is soon to come. Thank you again!! Can’t wait to try out some of your other products.

Jill, Buckley WA

…it tasted like something you would get at a festival…

I first heard about your chicken sausage at a Weight Watchers meeting and I love it! I made the Italian sausage and it tasted like something you would get at a festival with the onions and peppers, so good.

Cindy N.

I can’t say enough good things about the sausage!

I just wanted to write to you and let you know how much I am enjoying the Isernio’s chicken sausage! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

I am truly enjoying all of the sausage. The spinach and feta links are out of this world! I am enjoying using the bulk sausage in all kinds of different recipes. Best of all, I’m following the Weight Watchers plan, and the sausage is so healthy! All of the varieties are very low in PointsPlus, so I can enjoy them guilt free!

I have prepared Isernio’s sausage for guests, and they too raved about them!

Thank you again for this awesome giveaway! I can’t say enough good things about the sausage!

Allison, Brooklyn NY

Your sausages are the best!

I just wanted to let you know, your products are the best! Me and my 14 yr. old daughter were recently diagnosed with gallbladder disease and we had to completely change our diet to keep the gallbladder. Your products have made that possible! I am a sausage freak! Your sausages are the best! When I shop I look for your products everywhere.

Sarah, Belfair WA

Santa Claus came early to the Tucker household this year.

Santa Claus came early to the Tucker household this year. Next to the wonderful but deniably forbidden-to-the-survivors-of-heart-bypass-surgery, Italian sausage, I found a package of your chicken-apple sausage. We sampled it and found it to be head and shoulders the best “lower-fat” sausage product on the market. My husband and I think we have died and gone to heaven. Christmas morning hasn’t been the same without my apple sausages. Now at last, it will be a festive meal again. Thank you!

Fay, Seattle, WA

Thank you for bringing flavor back into her life.

I just want to say thank you! My mom found out that she had terrible food allergies about 8 years ago. She is allergic to corn, wheat, and soy. To begin with we didn’t think too much of it… different bread, no more corn on the cob, cut out soy sauce and tofu… you can imagine our surprise as we realized just how many items have corn starch or corn syrup, wheat and soy/soy lecithin. My mom had to cut out almost everything familiar including the sausage we used to make spaghetti sauce, stuffing, casseroles, pasta dishes, etc.

Mom came up to Seattle over the holidays and I made a turkey with sausage stuffing, as I sat there crumbling the sausage into a pan, she “reminded” me of her allergies. I tossed her a package of sausage and she almost cried.

I just shipped a care package to her home in Arizona and included five pounds of sausage among other foods that she can’t get there.

Thank you for bringing flavor back into her life. 🙂

Karla, Kirkland WA

…my kids LOVE them.

Did you ever wonder marketing was worth it?

At COSTCO it is.

I tasted and bought your product.

It has now been in 2 types of pasta and my breakfast muffins ( sorry Mc D) and my kids LOVE them.

Michael, Seattle WA

…your chicken breakfast sausage is the BEST I have ever eaten, bar none.

I just want to say that your chicken breakfast sausage is the BEST I have ever eaten, bar none. I am very impressed that there are no unnecessary chemicals added yet it has a better taste than other brands I have tried (turkey sausage).

Deidre, Shadow Hills CA

Please keep your excellent products coming.

This is a heart-felt “fan” letter! I “discovered” Isernio chicken sausages (Italian and breakfast) many years ago as I was searching for healthier, yet still delicious food products. Isernio sausages (and now the ground extra-lean chicken, as well) have become such staples in my cooking, I have been known to haunt three local stores for delivery dates to keep my stock current. Although I am not a chef, I have quite a reputation among friends and family for serving savory/healthy meals. I give much of the credit to your fine products. Please keep your excellent products coming. My family, friends, and I are counting on you!

Jan, Mountlake Terrace WA

A healthy, delicious, affordable addition to our diet.

I just got done making my signature biscuits and gravy for my family after a chilly morning of delivering newspapers. I substituted your Chicken Breakfast Sausage Roll and Hot Chicken Breakfast Sausage for the usual pork sausage that I have used for years. The gravy was wonderful and full of flavor. Your sausage rolls cooked up great. I look forward to trying the other flavors in my pasta sauce and on homemade pizzas.

Two really important reasons why I chose your sausage was because of the short list of ingredients that I could recognize and even pronounce. The second reason was the fact that the price was exactly the same as the brand of pork sausage that I was planning on buying.

Thank you for a quality product that really was missing in the marketplace. A healthy, delicious, affordable addition to our diet.

I bought your sausage rolls at Top Food and Drugs in Tacoma, WA. They had your sausage prominently displayed right next to the pork sausage rolls. Perfect placement for easy label comparison.

Just wanted to let you know that as a mother of four children who is trying very hard to make more healthy food choices for my family and I these sausage rolls go a long way toward providing the flavors that we love in our traditional recipes while being healthy.

Laura, Tacoma WA

…my sausage of choice for many, many years

Your sausages, and especially your Italian sausages, have been my sausage of choice for many, many years. The quality is excellent, and they just plain taste great. A big thank you for making your products gluten free and for making that information available on your website. But the biggest thanks is for making a quality product that tastes so good.

Denise, Bellingham, WA

…some of the best tasting sausage I’ve ever eaten.

“I just wanted to let you know that you have some of the best tasting sausage I’ve ever eaten. I don’t eat pork, but your chicken breakfast sausage is a great alternative for folks like me.”

Richard, Olympia WA

Thanks for making such a healthy and delicious product!

A couple of years ago, I lost 60 lbs eating your Italian chicken sausage as my primary source of protein. It’s just as lean as chicken breast but much better flavor that I never tired of.

Alas, I got off my lean diet and stopped exercising so I gained back 26 lbs. But I’m back on my diet, featuring Isernio’s chicken sausage as the primary protein again, and exercising so I expect to be back to my optimal weight by Summer. Thanks for making such a healthy and delicious product!

Martin, WA

Thanks for a great tasting product at a great price!

Just wanted to tell you how much I like your Chicken Breakfast Sausage roll!! I found it this morning at my local Winco Foods (I think it’s a new product for us, because I used to have to buy turkey sausage, and your product has taken the place of it on the shelf). Anyway, it’s the perfect thing for our family because we have multiple food allergies (pork, wheat, and dairy) and we’re a little sick of the ground turkey that replaces most pork sausage. I also bought the regular and spicy Chicken Italian Sausage to try out. I think it’s important to tell companies that as a family with allergies we really appreciate it when food is made simply and labeled in a way that makes it easy to find those things we have to avoid. Thanks for a great tasting product at a great price!

Shelly, Hesperia CA

Thank you for an excellent product.

I’m quick to write when dissatisfied but this time I had to tell you what a superior product you have in your bulk chicken Italian sausage. I wanted to make pizza and stay away from high fat products. I’ve switched to ground turkey for many recipes and I usually don’t shop at Target. I decided to check out what Target had that was different and I decided to try your product. It’s delicious and now I’ll be using it on a regular basis. I’m going to check out your recipes and see what’s interesting. I froze the extra cooked sausage in crumbles and I will add to my egg beaters in a mug breakfast for a change. Thank you for an excellent product.

J.R., Plano TX

Isernio’s makes the best chicken sausages in the world!

“I have to say that Isernio’s makes the best chicken sausages in the world! I have tried all of yours, and try to buy them all the time…Thank you for making it possible for me to enjoy one of my favorite foods, a sausage that is flavorful, moist and delicious, and is made the healthy way.”

Maggie, Port Orchard, WA