Frank was thrilled to be asked to appear yesterday on Seattle television station KING and their daytime talk show New Day Northwest. With it being the new year and everyone making resolutions to eat healthier, it was great timing for Frank to show the audience and host Margaret Larson how to make a tasty rigatoni dish using our chicken sausage – this recipe is not only delicious (the smells in the TV studio were heavenly), but it’s super easy to make (the hardest part is waiting 25 minutes for the sauce to simmer without digging in!) and using our 95% lean chicken sausage rolls in this recipe makes it guilt-free.
Our favorite part came actually after the taping was over: One member of the audience asked if Frank drained the sausage before adding it to the sauce. He showed her the pan in which the sausage had been cooked – there was almost NO fat in the pan to drain. There were literally “oohs” and “ahhs” coming from the audience. You have to love it when sausage can elicit such a lively reaction!
Thanks very much to everyone at KING for hosting us yesterday. Here is a link to video footage of Frank’s appearance, and be sure to check out the Rigatoni with Sausage Sauce recipe on our website.

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