April 2018 - Isernio's Premium

Archive | April, 2018

Introducing New Fully Cooked Chicken Sausage from Isernio’s!

At Isernio’s, we pride ourselves on bringing you the best. The best flavor, the best quality, the best products.

And now we’re so excited to announce that we’ve combined all of that quality you expect with the convenience that you crave.

We’ve launched a new line of fully cooked chicken sausages, letting you whip up a healthy and tasty meal faster than ever before. They come in three different varieties:

  • Sweet Italian Chicken with Parmesan Cheese
  • Caprese Chicken with Mozzarella, Basil, & Sun Dried Tomato
  • Apple Chicken

All of the sausages are made with chicken raised with no antibiotics ever, are 100% vegetarian fed, and certified humanely raised and handled.

And because we’re committed to bringing you the best, our new fully cooked sausages:

  • Are Gluten-free
  • Contain no MSG
  • Have no nitrates or nitrites
  • Are free of preservatives
  • Have no artificial colors or flavors

They’re also low in carbs and high in protein, making them fit with a number of different dietary lifestyles.

And since they’re fully cooked, they are incredibly versatile. Reheat them and toss them with your pasta, slice & saute them to sprinkle on a hearty salad, or toss them on a grill, wrap them in a bun, and top them to your liking.

Right now you can find the Italian Chicken Sausage and Caprese varieties at Albertsons and Safeway stores in Washington and Oregon. All three varieties are available C&K Markets in Oregon and California.

And if you’re not in the current distribution area – don’t worry! We’re working to bring this product to more stores soon! In the meantime, see what products are available in your area here.

How will you use our new fully cooked chicken sausages?

Fully Cooked Chicken Sausage